Corporate Governance


1. Board of Governance


The PPIS Board of Governance takes overall responsibility for the work of the organisation. The Board ensures that PPIS is effectively and properly run and meets its overall purposes as set out in its constitution. Board meetings are held quarterly.



The responsibilities of the board include:

  • Furthering the charity’s overall purpose by setting its direction and strategy and monitoring its progress.
  • Ensuring the work of the charity is effective. The Board approves policies, procedures and systems for monitoring and evaluating the charity’s work.
  • Safeguarding finances and resources and ensuring they are used solely to further the charity’s purposes. The Board monitors the financial budgets are adhered to and ensures financial sustainability.
  • Being accountable to funders and regulators by ensuring the preparation of annual reports and other reporting requirements.


All the Board members are appointed according to the PPIS constitution at the Annual General Meeting. The constitution does not permit remuneration of the Board. Our Board members do not receive any remuneration from PPIS.



The performances of the Board and Committees are reviewed and evaluated at the Board level annually via a Board Self-Evaluation exercise. The Nomination Committee will incorporate the findings into the planning for any new recruitment and Board training. The Committee also reviews the composition of the Board annually to ensure that the Board has an appropriate number of members with a balance of expertise, skills, attributes and ability among the Board members.



2. Conflict of Interest


PPIS has in place policies and procedures to manage and avoid situations of conflict of interest. All Board and committee members are required to make declarations of conflict of interest to PPIS at the start of their terms, annually, and as soon as such conflict or the possibility of such conflict arises. Conflicted individuals may participate in discussions but do not vote or engage in any form of decision-making on matters where they have a conflict of interest. All employees are also required to make declarations of conflict of interest at the point of hire, annually and as soon as the possibility of such conflict arises to ensure that all parties will act in the best interests of PPIS.



3. Financial Management and Internal Controls


The Finance and Investment Advisory Committee and the Board review and approve the annual budget prepared by management. All extra-budgetary expenditure beyond the delegated management authority is reviewed and approved by the Finance Committee and Board. The operating and capital expenditure budget is regularly monitored.


PPIS is committed to disclosing audited statements that give an accurate and fair review of PPIS’s financial statements to ensure that they are in accordance with the requirements as specified by the regulatory bodies.


There are written procedures put in place for financial matters in key areas, which includes procurement and controls, receipting, payment procedures, controls and system for the delegation of authority and limits of approval.



4. Human Resource Management


PPIS administers a Code of Ethics and a set of guidelines for employees to comply with, and this is made available to all employees in the Staff Handbook. PPIS understands the importance of and commits to incorporating systems that address employee communication, fair practice, performance management and professional development.


PPIS does not have paid staff who are close members of the family of the CEO or Board of Governance.


Staff are not involved in setting their remuneration.

Data Policy

We at Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura, “PPIS”, respect the privacy and confidentiality of all personal data belonging to our clients, customers, associates, partners, visitors, and other individuals with whom we had interacted with in the course of providing our products and services. We are committed to implementing policies, practices and processes that safeguards the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data , in compliance with the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2012.


The purpose of this Data Protection Notice is to inform and assist you in understanding how we collect, use, disclose, process, protect and retain your personal data that is in our possession.


  1. How We Collect Your Personal Data
    Personal data refers to any information about an individual that can be identified (a) from that data itself (e.g. NRIC No., FIN No.), or (b) from that data when combined with other information (e.g. Full Name + Full Address).We collect your personal data when you:

    • Attend our exhibitions, events, roadshows or seminars
    • Engage or interact with our staff or associates
    • Enquire about our services
    • Sign up as a client for our services
    • Request to be contacted when enquiring on our services or be included in our mailing list. Provide feedback to us on our services or quality of service
    • Communicate with us via emails, written correspondences or through our website
    • Submit an application, registration or other forms relating to any of our products or services Submit your CV to recruitment firms or job portals, which are in turn forwarded to or retrieved by us
    • Complete and submit a job application form in response to our recruitment advertisements
    • Submit your Personal Data to us for any other reason
  2. Types of Personal Data We Collect About You
    The types of personal data we collect about you include:

    • Personal contact information (Name, Address, Phone No., Email Address)
    • Personal details (Name, NRIC No./FIN No./Passport No., Gender, Date of Birth, Nationality)
    • Financial information (Credit/Debit Card Details, Bank Account Details)
    • Transactional data (Name, Company/Organisation, Designation, Residential Address, Preferences, Credit Transactions)
    • Job Applicant’s educational and professional qualifications
    • Job applicant’s professional and work experience
  3. How We Use Your Personal Data
    We use the personal data you provide us for one or more of the following purposes:

    • Send information, updates and promotional materials on our services
    • Managing your client account/case with us (including processing of payment)
    • Process contract/enrolment renewals
    • Obtain opinions, comments or feedback about our services or quality of service
    • Respond to queries and feedback, and provide customer service and support
    • Investigate complaints, claims and disputes
    • Manage and improve our business and operations to serve you better or enhance client experience
    • Analyse website visits
    • Process job applications, recruitment and selection
    • Fulfil legal requirements
  4. Who We Disclose Your Personal Data To
    We disclose some of the personal data you provide us to the following entities or organisations outside PPIS in order to fulfil our services to you:

      • IT / technical support vendors and service providers
      • Regulatory bodies and other public agencies (e.g. ECDA, MSF)
  5. How We Manage the Collection, Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Data
    1. Obtaining Consent
      Before we collect, use or disclose your personal data, we will notify you of the purpose why we are doing so. We will obtain written confirmation from you on your expressed consent. We will not collect more personal data than is necessary for the stated purpose. We will seek fresh consent from you if the original purpose for the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data has changed.

      • Deemed Consent by Conduct: Under certain circumstances, we may assume deemed consent by conduct from you when you voluntarily provide your personal data for the stated purpose, e.g. when you submit a job application form to our HR Department.
      • Deemed Consent by Contractual Necessity: We rely on deemed consent by contractual necessity in the following circumstances, which are also reasonably necessary for us to disclose to another organisation (“Downstream Organisations”) for the necessary conclusion or performance of the service between you and us:
        Where an extension of the service is served by another organisation that PPIS partners with or works within the community/boundary in providing a variety of other social support not provided by PPIS and is required by the client.The following are categories of Downstream Organisations that we disclose to:
        Community services that PPIS partners with, in providing services such as e.g. healthcare, financial aid, support groups, and any other form of organisations that support the social service sector.
      • Deemed Consent by Notification: We rely on deemed consent by notification where we have notified you of the purpose and you have not taken any action to opt-out of the collection, use or disclosure of personal data. When relying on this, we will conduct an assessment to eliminate or mitigate the adverse effects and will be required to produce such assessment to our regulator upon their request.
      • Legitimate Interests: We may rely on the legitimate interests exception to consent in the following circumstances which are our organisation’s lawful interests. When we rely on this exception, we conduct an assessment as required under law and will provide such documented assessments to PDPC upon their request.
    2. Withdrawal of Consent
      Upon reasonable advanced notice for request of withdrawal, we will advise the individual on the likely consequences of the request, such as ceasing the sharing of information regarding future events, promotions or services. Request for withdrawal of consent can take the form of an email or letter to us.
    3. Use of Cookies
      We may use “cookies” to collect information about your online activity on our website or online services. A cookie is a small text file created by the website that is stored in your computer to provide a way for the website to recognise you and keep track of your preferences. The cookie makes it convenient for you such that you do not have to retype the same information again when you revisit the website or when you fill in electronic forms.Most cookies we use are “session cookies”, which will be deleted automatically from the hard disk of your computer at the end of the session.You may choose not to accept cookies by turning off this feature in your web browser. Note that by doing so, you may not be able to use some of the features and functions in our web applications.
  6. How We Ensure the Accuracy of Your Personal Data
    We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal data we collect about you is accurate, complete and kept up-to-date.From time to time, we may alert you on a data verification exercise where you will be able to update us on any changes to your personal data that we hold. If we are in an ongoing relationship with you, it is important that you update us of any changes to your personal data (such as a change in your mailing address).
  7. How We Protect Your Personal Data
    We have implemented appropriate information security and technical measures (such as data encryption, firewalls and secure network protocols) to protect the personal data we hold about you against loss; misuse; destruction; unauthorised alteration/modification, access, disclosure; or similar risks.We have also put in place reasonable and appropriate organisational measures to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data, and will only share your data with authorised persons on a ‘need to know’ basis.
  8. How We Retain Your Personal Data
    We have a document retention policy that keeps track of the retention schedules of the personal data you provide us, in paper or electronic forms. We will not retain any of your personal data when it is no longer needed for any business or legal purposes.We will dispose of or destroy such documents containing your personal data in a proper and secure manner when the retention limit is reached.
  9. How You Can Access and Make Correction to Your Personal Data
    You may write in to us to find out what personal data about you that we have in our possession or under our control and how it may have been used and/or disclosed by us in the previous one year. Before we accede to your request, we are required to verify your identity by checking your NRIC or other legal identification document. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, or within 30 days from the date we receive your request. If we are unable to do so within the 30 days, we will notify and provide you an estimate of how much longer we require.Do note that we may also charge you a reasonable fee for the cost involved in processing your request.If you find that your personal data is inaccurate, incomplete, or not up-to-date, you may request for a correction.. Where we are satisfied on reasonable grounds that a correction should be made, we will correct the data as soon as possible, or within 30 days from the date we receive your request.
  10. Contacting Us
    If you have any query or feedback regarding this Data Protection Notice, or any complaint you have relating to how we manage your personal data, you may contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at: dpo@ppis.sgAny query or complaint should include, at least, the following details:

    • Your full name and contact information
    • Brief description of your query or complaint

    We treat such queries and feedback seriously and will deal with them confidentially and within reasonable time.

  11. Changes to this Data Protection Notice
    We reserve the right to update or modify this Data Protection Notice at any given time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the latest Notice on our website. Please visit our website periodically to note any changes.

Whistleblowing Policy

  1. Purpose
    This policy serves to encourage staff to make good-faith reports of suspected fraud, corruption, malpractice, impropriety, statutory non-compliance or any other wrongdoing or health and safety concerns within the organization.The objectives of the policy are:

    1.  To enable all staff to express concerns internally in an effective manner when wrongdoing is discovered or suspected.
    2.  To describe the process for proper investigation and evaluation of the reported wrongdoing.
      This policy is open to all staff of PPIS.
  2. Scope
    This policy is open to all staff of PPIS.
  3. Policy Managed By HROD
  4. Policy Approved By PPIS Board


  1. Introduction
    1.  Every accountable organisation needs to create an environment and a mechanism to enable staff and outside parties, such as suppliers, beneficiaries, contractors and other stakeholders to express their concerns in the strictest confidence to the management in a responsible, orderly and civil manner when wrongdoing is suspected or discovered.
    2.  Staff and external parties may use the procedures set out in this Policy to report any concerns or complaints regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters, internal controls, disclosure matters, conflict of interest, collusion with competitors, serious breaches of policies, unsafe work practices or any other matters involving fraud, corruption and employee misconduct.
  2. Definition of Whistleblowing
    1.  Whistleblowing is the confidential disclosure of information to the management during the course of an employee’s time at the workplace or other parties’ involvement in the organisation.
    2.  In expanded form, it is about providing vital and critical information to the management so that investigation can commence and action be taken against anyone involved in wrongdoing. Even if the possible complainant suspect something is wrong but do not have any concrete evidence, the complainant is encouraged to bring it up, in good faith, to the management via this whistleblowing policy.
    3.  The difference between whistleblowing and making a complaint is a whistleblower expresses concern in the interest of others or the organisation. The whistleblower may not be the direct party affected, which means she has no personal interest in consequence of the investigation. This policy permits the staff to avoid the limelight and to keep his or her identity unknown. In comparison, a complaint is normally about an issue that concerns the staff directly; having a vested interest in the issue and the outcome of this complaint. In this case, the complainant’s identity is subject to potential disclosure.
  3. Categories of Wrongdoing
    1.  The following are examples of wrongdoings that should be reported.
      1.  Immoral, illegal, corrupt or unethical conduct
      2.  Misappropriation of funds and classified documents
      3.  Corruption and bribery
      4.  Conflict of Interest
      5.  Racial, sexual or any forms of harassment and discrimination
      6.  Wilful intent to cause irreparable damage or bring disrepute to the organisation
      7.  Engaging in conspiracy with others to undermine the name and honour of the organisation
  4. Applicable Parties
    1.  This policy is applicable to the following parties.
    2.  All employees
    3.  Strategic partners
    4.  Contractors and sub-contractors 4.1.4. Vendors
    5.  Volunteers / Board members
  5. Safeguards
    1.  PPIS shall not tolerate discrimination, retaliation, threats or harassment of any kind against a whistleblower who submits a complaint or report in good faith.
    2.  If a whistleblower believes that he or she is being subjected to discrimination, retaliation, threats or harassment for having made a report under this Policy, he or she should immediately report those acts to the CEO; or another member from the Senior Management team whichever is appropriate.
    3.  PPIS HR shall ensure that all staff are protected from victimisation, harassment or disciplinary action as a result of any disclosure, provided the disclosure is made in good faith and it is not malicious or retaliatory in nature.
  6. Disclosure of Whistleblower
    1.  All disclosures will be promptly and properly investigated with the parties involved.
    2.  Protection of anonymity is guaranteed internally provided the whistleblower does not share this information with a third party about the alleged misdemeanor.
    3.  Disclosure of the identity of the whistleblower will be surrendered to the relevant authority if this investigation leads to legal or criminal proceedings.
  7. Reporting of Suspected Wrongdoing
    1.  The whistleblowing cases should be reported to HR Manager/Director or CEO via email or telephone.
    2.  If the concern is about the CEO, staff should forward the concern to the Board.
    3.  If the concern is about any of the Board members, staff may forward it to the HR Manager/Director via email for his guidance.
    4.  Reporting by external parties can be done via email to which will be put up on the website. For such matters, the appointed investigating officer may contact the complainant to ascertain the allegations.
  8. Information Required
    1.  Ideally, supporting evidence for the allegations must be provided as this would assist in the investigation.
    2.  In the absence of such evidence, the whistleblower must provide as much details as possible to support this allegation or expose this allegation and gather evidence.
  9. Intervention
    1.  PPIS will handle the concern prudently, expeditiously and confidentially. Management shall assess and decide the initial action to be taken as a stopgap measure while investigation is ongoing.
    2.  We will inform the whistleblower of the person that would be addressing the matter and update the whistleblower on the outcome of the case.
    3.  When the case is proven to be true, subsequent disciplinary process will be initiated.

Governance Evaluation

Governance Evaluation Checklist for PPIS (1 Apr 2021 – 31 Mar 2022)

Read more