PPIS Newsletter April ’22

This March we celebrate women a little bit more especially women who believed when you’re down, the only way is up, and so we rise because impossible means nothing. We celebrate women who tore down the bias (#breakthebias), smashed stereotypes, and overcame discrimination. We celebrate resilient women, women who worked hard, and women who stepped out of comfort zones to chase aspirations.


And I am glad, more male allies are joining in to celebrate International Women’s Day in meaningful ways. In this Berita Harian commentary, I spoke about the importance of celebrating women by taking action to support her aspirations and making success the rule, not the exception.


Recently, at our PPIS annual IWD celebration, we shared the findings from our inaugural Aspirations of Muslim Women research which also identified the four female archetypes: the Traditional Conformist, Balance Striver, Driven Achiever, and Purpose Seeker. So which one are you? Just one or a mixture of two? Check out the full report here.


Our research also found Muslim women in Singapore aspire to be a better Muslimah, be financially independent, and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


PPIS Research and Engagement Department embarked on this research to better understand the women we serve and we recognize the importance of highlighting the lived realities of Singapore Muslim Women not only to our community but all of Singapore.


Our IWD panel, Shirin Hamid, Anisa Hassan and Nur Aini all stalwarts in their own right, bared their hearts and shared their stories. Their candid sharing was an inspiring one and resonated with participants – a perfect way to kick start our year-long 70th anniversary celebrations. Read about it on Berita Harian, Berita Mediacorp and The Straits Times.


As we celebrate our platinum jubilee this year, PPIS remain resolutely committed to our mission of inspiring women and strengthening families.


We welcome the recent White Paper on Singapore Women’s Development which saw a number of PPIS’ recommendations being adopted and we look forward to being an agent of positive change, working alongside relevant agencies and partners so women can go further.


With the Rise Above Halfway House and Women Space underway, PPIS will continue to evolve and expand our services; so that even more women can be better versions of ourselves and build a better future for the women of tomorrow, God Willing.


As we eagerly await the arrival of the Holy month of Ramdan, here’s wishing you and yours Selamat Berpuasa and Ramadan Kareem.

– President Hazlina Abdul Halim

PPIS had a great start to 2022 with our first-ever collaboration with People’s Association Malay Activity Executive Committees Council (PA MESRA) when we distributed Mandarin oranges and cookies on 28 January, ahead of the Chinese New Year Celebration, to the residents in Block 1, Eunos Crescent where our Head Office is located.


Coming to office everyday, I often wonder who are the families who live behind those closed doors. What are their stories? How many of them have we reached out to us and are our beneficiaries? Have we done enough to provide the last mile service delivery to them?


That brief Saturday afternoon, I saw a glimpse of strength and resilience as some families shared their stories. Those who are familiar with Adviser Fahmi Aliman who joined us in the home visit, they greeted us with bottled water and cookies and chips. I saw their warmth and hospitality when they asked us to enter their homes, but we were not able to because of safe measures. We look forward to reach out to our neighbours during the fasting month of Ramadan.


March is the month we celebrate International Women’s Day. When I think about International Women’s Day each year, I often think about some of the great women who pioneered the path for future generations with the amazing things that they had done. For PPIS, it is the 22-women who got together to champion Muslim women’s rights then. Today, it is the 14-member PPIS 25th Board of Governors who are making an impact as we celebrate our 70th anniversary.


Throughout my careers in both the public and private sectors, I have encountered many brilliant women. Women whose voices are heard. Women whose actions are seen. Women who made a difference in my life as a young secondary student in a girls’ school. Women who touched my life and many others and inspired us to find meaning while we achieve higher goals.


Now, in my role as CEO at PPIS, I’ve had the pleasure of having conversations with trail-blazers like Ms Shirin Hamid, the Chief Information Officer of International Monetary Fund, Ms Anisa Hassan, founder of Date High Flyers International and Ms Nur’Aini Muhamad Yasli, Paralympic powerlifter. They broke many biases to be where they are.


I look forward to 2022 as we create new programmes and services which are evidence-based and aligned to the findings of PPIS key Aspirations of Muslim Women Research.

– Mdm Tuminah Sapawi, CEO

Journey of PPIS

As PPIS celebrates its 70th anniversary this year, we look back at the journey of the organisation from its early beginning to what it is today.


As early as 1952, some women had already broken biases and conventions. In that year, 22 like-minded women came together and championed women’s rights amidst strong retaliations from the men. They set up PPIS (PPIS), then known as Young Muslim Women Association.


In a society, where majority of Malay-Muslim women were uneducated and did not know their rights, they were often oppressed and had little or no resources and assistance to turn to. They dared not speak up. Most suffered in silence.


One of the founding members, Madam Khateejun Siraj, who is 96 today, in the book Lighting Lives, PPIS Story, said: “Back in the 1950s, it was not uncommon to see teenage brides. When you looked at a typical 25-year-old woman, she was already married with several kids. Most were stay-at-home mums. Few had education beyond primary level.”


Together with some other concerned women, they discussed the issues affecting the women of the 1950s. It was then that they decided to set up PPIS.


Pictured here were some of the founding women with new volunteers at PPIS first headquarters at Haigsville Drive.



Back in the 1950s and 1960s, PPIS provided an ecosystem of support and empower women through sewing, cooking, floral arrangement, religious or literacy courses, conducted internally by the executive members themselves. Membership at that time was a mere 50 cents.



Besides implementing membership fees to raise funds, the first fund-raising event was held in 1963. Named Malam International, it was graced by Singapore’s first lady, Toh Puan Noor Aishah who also wrote letters of support to the government for fund.


The organisation’s advocacy role continued when it made recommendations pertaining to the legislation involving Muslim women. The recommendations were instrumental when in 1966, the Muslim Ordinance was replaced by the Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA).


Its first playbased kindergarten was set up in 1983 followed by other services which include Student Care and the various family services. Today PPIS has 7 preschools, 2 student care centres, 7 social and family services and upcoming the first secular halfway house for female residents named Rise Above and a Women Space.

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70th Anniversary

Seven decades and 17 centres later, PPIS continues to be the the source of support for women. During the pandemic, PPIS partnered with the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SMCCI) to launch the PPIS Microbusiness Foundation Programme (MBFP) to support the development of female microbusiness owners in Singapore.


To commemorate our 70th anniversary, we aim to propel our efforts further to the community. We will begin our celebrations through International Women’s Day, where PPIS will launch the first publication on Aspirations of Singapore Muslim Women Research (AMWR) and the 70th anniversary logo.


The positive ripple effects of the gift of giving continues this year – through our annual Project Ihsan Ramadan (renamed PPIS Ihsan Ramadan) and Raikan Ihsan, where we share a part of our sustenance with others. There is much to learn, especially for the young – when we help others, we receive so much more in return.


In the second half of the year, PPIS will reveal its new logo as it undergoes a brand refresh to establish a stronger positioning within the community and increase awareness of its programmes and services.


We will also be launching PPIS Women Space, a one-stop service for women’s career, legal and wellness needs. Additionally, it will also serve as a resource centre for women to gain access to information, assistance and referrals.


Our collaboration with Singapore Prison Service (SPS) to operate Singapore’s first secular women’s halfway house, Rise Above Halfway House (RAHWH) targets to create a safe environment for women reintegrating back into society.


Before the year comes to a close, we reconnect safely with everyone through the annual Gala dinner – recognising the support of our alumni, donors and volunteers. We hope to encompass the virtues and values passed on to us by the strong women behind PPIS. In doing so, we hope to continue inspiring women in our community, enhancing their well-being and equipping them with the strength to break biases.

IWD edm

Together we Aspire, Overcome, Inspire

19 March 2022 – PPIS Research and Engagement Department (RED) held its annual International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration virtually. The celebration was even more meaningful with two announcements – the launch of the first research publication on Aspirations of Singapore Muslim Women and PPIS’ 70th Anniversary logo. The event was graced by Guest of Honour Ms Sun Xueling, Minister of State, Ministry of Social and Family Development, and Education.



Sharings from Ms Shirin Hamid, Chief Information Officer at International Monetary Fund, Ms Anisa Hassan, Founder of Date High Flyers International and Ms Nur’Aini Mohamad Yasli, Paralympic Powerlifter showed that women can break biases and achieve higher goals and aspirations.



The tagline for the logo – “Celebrating 70 Years of Resilient Women” encapsulates women’s achievements over seven decades. It signifies women’s continued efforts to set higher goals and achieve them. The colour orange is inspired by PPIS’ corporate logo which is a colour of strength and perseverance as PPIS continue to serve women in every phase of their lives.  

Aspirations of Singapore Muslim Women research (AMWR) publication

In 2018, PPIS RED embarked on the Aspiration of Muslim Women Research (AMWR), which is key to the work of PPIS since there is presently no literature pertaining to the values and aspirations of our local Muslim women. The research adopted a holistic approach by taking on both quantitative and qualitative aspects to acquire a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the aspirations of Muslim Women in Singapore.


The quantitative study surveyed 1,001 MW respondents aged 21 to 62 on their greatest aspirations in the domains of family, work, and personal development and types of challenges they face. The qualitative study of 4 group discussions with a total of 28 participants delved deeper into the top few aspirations as it unveils MW’s definition of each aspiration, its importance and the key challenges faced. As a result of the FGDs, four Muslim Women archetypes emerged. They are – Traditional Conformist, Balanced Striver, Driven Achiever and Purpose Seeker.


Gaining financial independence and being a better Muslim are among the top personal aspirations of Muslim women in Singapore, along with attaining work-life balance as part of their top career goals. Based on these insights, the publication incorporates key recommendations gathered through this study for PPIS to better develop relevant, evidence-based programmes and services. They also provide meaningful recommendations to the community on the areas of support needed to help MW achieve their aspirations. To access the online publication, visit https://ppis.sg/amwr.pdf.


#mesrabergongxi with PPIS

29 January 2022 – Together with South East District Mayor, Mr Fahmi Aliman, PPIS President Mdm Hazlina Halim and CEO Mdm Tuminah Sapawi led staff and volunteers to distribute 45 festive packs to the elderly and low-income residents at Block 1 Eunos Crescent, where PPIS Head Office is located. The event was a collaboration with PA MESRA’s #mesrabergongxi initiative.


This year, PPIS aims to extend our reach to the wider community and friends and neighbours from all walks of life. Through this initiative, we hope to form bridges across communities in Singapore and strengthen our position as an organisation that supports and advocate for women, families and children regardless of their backgrounds.



PPIS Family Service Centre East (FSCE) also joined in the distribution to their beneficiaries. Principle Social Worker Zahara Mahmood hopes for this to be an annual event as it is a reminder that happiness is all that matters to those we care for!



After many months of not engaging our beneficiaries physically, it was heartwarming to visit the homes and engage the family with PPIS services.


“We volunteered as we wanted to spend quality time together and to bring smiles to others through the act of giving. We were greeted by the recipients who, in turn, also brought a smile to our faces. This was our first time volunteering with PPIS and has been a meaningful experience for both of us. We highly encourage others to join PPIS as a volunteer too!

-Mdm Azura and Mr Kamalruzaman, Volunteers

PPIS Social Work Day 2022 Invite I

Social Work Day

“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy


15 March 2022 – In celebration of Social Work Day, our Principal Social Workers and a team of social workers organised a virtual event to honour our social service practitioners. This year’s celebrations were graced by PPIS President Mdm Hazlina Halim and CEO Mdm Tuminah Sapawi. In her speech, Mdm Hazlina reiterated the need for social workers to remain resilient in their efforts to strengthen families.



Aptly themed “Co-Building A New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind”, the social service staff of PPIS have embraced digitalisation over the last two years, given the Covid-19 pandemic. In appreciation of their unstinting commitment, our social service staff were gifted a personalised laptop mat with their names embossed.

“The Social Work Day Celebration does give us a warm feeling in our hearts. Thank you to the organizing committee and looking forward to next year’s celebration”

– Mr Muhammad Zahin Saini, Social Worker, Family Service Centre West

Join us as we usher the blessed month of Ramadan with your kind giving for PPIS Ihsan Ramadan. Kembalikan Sinar to our beneficiaries so they too could find joy this Ramadan and Syawal. With your support, we hope to raise $500,000 for PPIS.

Visit www.ppis.sg/PIR2022 for more info.



Shaping Futures with PPIS

In conjunction with SG Cares Giving Week 2021, PPIS organised the ´Shaping Futures with PPIS’ campaign from 6 December 2021 to 31 January 2022. We are grateful for the contributions received for our 7oaks Student Care!


We would also like to express our appreciation to our sponsors and partners for their kind support in our campaign. Together, we can shape the futures of our students!


Our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors and partners for their generous support and partnership!


Major Cash Sponsors


Thank you STIE Pte. Ltd.!

We, at STIE, have conventional belief that Human Capital is the core of strength and proficiency. And aligning with PPIS in ‘Shaping Futures with PPIS’ is to scaffold our belief that future generation’s learning/education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to transform the world into its proficiency.”

Thank you TAQ Wealth Associates!

TAQWA believes in collaborating with the community to encourage quality education for young minds. No children should be spared the opportunity to learn and develop the skills needed to be successful due to the lack of resources.” 

Official Outdoor Media Sponsor


Thank you Moove Media Pte. Ltd.!

“We believe in supporting and developing young talents who will someday shape Singapore’s future. PPIS’ campaign can do just that – make a difference and shape futures.”

In-Mall Media Sponsors


Thank you Joo Chiat Complex!

“We are pleased to be part of the Shaping Futures with PPIS campaign to give children a safe and secure environment to grow and thrive. We hope our support will make a difference in helping these children reach their fullest potential and in time to come, to take heart, and continue to inspire those around them.”

Thank you Wisma Geylang Serai!

“Wisma Geylang Serai, which is a part of People’s Association, is always welcoming collaboration and support requests from our stakeholders and partners, especially the Malay/Muslim Organisations (MMOs). As the pulse of the Malay community, we strive to be a one-stop for all Malay-Muslim related services that are beneficial for the community.”

Campaign Ambassador & Fundraiser


PPIS is thankful to have our volunteer campaign ambassador to help champion the campaign and help raise $5,310!


“I feel very honoured and proud to have been part of this and that I managed to reach the (fundraising) target that I wanted. I’m also grateful to those who have contributed to help my friends at the 7oaks Student Care.” 

– Shan Ehan








Retail Partners

Thank you to our retail partners for donating $2 from every transaction received during the campaign!

Creative Agency Partner



We are pleased to share that you can now make your donations directly to PPIS via our website.  

Visit www.ppis.sg to make your donation today!  

In this series, we feature PPIS staff who are driving a positive impact in our community as we strive in our mission to inspire women and strengthen families. This edition of the newsletter features four individuals who have built their own communities and touched the lives of many.   

Meet Ms Sa’idah Suhaimi, an educator with 7oaks Preschool for 12 years. What’s interesting is that Ms Sa’idah has been working with PPIS since she first graduated! When asked about her experience, thus far, she shared that it has been fulfilling, insightful and worthwhile.

On a day-to-day basis, she teaches and cares for students in preparation for primary school, through learning different skill sets and concepts. The look of excitement on the children’s faces when they graduate motivates her to continue teaching until this day.

With her passion and drive, Ms Sa’idah is sure to positively impact her students and nurture them into passionate learners as they step into a new phase in their education.




“I believe that community stands for a group of people having the same common vision or purpose to uphold for the betterment of everyone.”


– Ms Sa’idah Suhaimi

Hello positive vibes! Ms Nurhayati Hassim believes in renewing her intentions on a daily basis, so that the work that she does may be beneficial for the people she works with as well as the community. She has always loved doing administrative work, and it was her dream since she was young as her mother was a clerk. A senior social work associate with Vista Sakinah, Ms Nurhayati supports the FITRAH and BUNAYYA programmes.

Her satisfaction comes from seeing the smiles from different families after each event that she plans with the team. She deeply treasures the relationship that she has built with the families throughout the years as this close rapport would better allow her to provide them with the support they need.

Ms Nurhayati shared that working with the community opens up her perspective to life and for this, she is thrilled to play a part in helping the community to her best abilities.




“Innamal a’malu binniyat – The deeds depend on the intention”


– Ms Nurhayati Hassim

Here’s coming to a full circle! Can you imagine meeting past students coming back to enrol their own children into the same preschool? Mdm Badron A. Samad is truly lucky to have that experience! Three decades into her role, she shares her excitement when surrounded by many children at 7oaks Preschool – Pasir Ris St 51. Mdm Badron has her heart full when she sees them grow into confident K2 graduands ready to embark on the next phase of their education journey.

As a senior executive assistant, she loves doing the work as it gives her a feeling of satisfaction. Mdm Badron is truly proud of the good work the preschool has done for the community. It is no doubt that Mdm Badron is an inspiration to us all!





“You may lose all you have but as long as you still have Allah, you have all you need”


– Mdm Badron A. Samad

Not an easy feat, but Ms Siti Aminah did it! She started off as a caseworker in 2014, before transitioning her role to become a social worker with PPIS Vista Sakinah. Ms Siti Aminah now ensures the smooth running of family-oriented programmes together with her team. She also meets clients for sessions and conducts workshops to support and prepare stepfamilies who want to improve the quality of their family life.

When asked, Ms Siti Aminah spoke of her passion in this line of work as she has the opportunity to learn and grow both personally and professionally while meeting people from different backgrounds. She feels a sense of accomplishment when she is able to contribute to the community through the programmes initiated by PPIS Vista Sakinah. She aspires to achieve her personal goals while continuing to carry out her duties and responsibilities as part of #OnePPIS family.


“I see the community as a group of people with enormous strength, values and resources that is rarely seen or heard because of insufficient opportunity to get to know them.”


– Ms Siti Aminah

Kaum Hawa jaya ukir kemajuan namun masih perlu tepis stereotaip

PPIS President Mdm Hazlina Halim – together with other female leaders shared her thoughts on the stereotypes faced by the Malay Muslim women in Singapore and the importance of addressing gender roles and domestic duties at home. “The faster we move towards normalising shared responsibilities, especially domestic ones, the faster this generation will move towards eliminating stereotypes of a woman’s role.” shared PPIS President Hazlina.

Read about it here.

Wanita Islam S’pura utamakan keseimbangan kejayaan duniawi dan ukhrawi: PPIS

In conjunction with the International Women’s Day and its 70th anniversary celebration this year, Singapore Muslim Women’s Association (PPIS) unveiled a research publication, the first by the association, titled “Aspirations of Singapore Muslim Women” on Saturday (19 March).

The study, conducted since October 2020, aims to better understand the aspirations of Singapore Muslim women so that PPIS can develop more relevant programmes and services. It also hopes to give recommendations to the community on the support needed by Muslim women to achieve their aspirations. “Our Muslim women want to be better and want to balance the worldly and spiritual achievements as a Muslimah. For them, this is the idea of success,” said PPIS President, Mdm Hazlina Halim. Read about it here.

Financial independence, work-life balance among top aspirations of S’pore Muslim women: Study

Gaining financial independence and being a better Muslim are among the top personal aspirations of Muslim women in Singapore, according to a study out on Saturday (19 March). The study, conducted by PPIS, which focuses on supporting Muslim women, also found that attaining work-life balance is a top career goal for them. It was released in conjunction with the organisation’s celebration of its 70th anniversary and International Women’s Day, which featured a panel of Muslim women achievers. Read more here.

PPIS tawar rumah peralihan dan ruang wanita sempena ulang tahun ke-70

In conjunction with PPIS’ 70th anniversary, PPIS President Mdm Hazlina Abdul Halim shared that the association’s services will be expanded to include a women’s halfway house as well as women space – a one-stop support service in several key areas such as career, legal advice and mental well-being.

“The year 2022 is an extraordinary year as PPIS celebrates 70 beautiful years, inspiring women and strengthening families. Like the women we serve, PPIS has gone through a long journey, since our 22 women founders came together to uplift and fight for the rights of vulnerable women,” Mdm Hazlina said. The PPIS 70th anniversary logo with the theme ‘Celebrating 70 years of Resilient Women’ was launched during the International Women’s Day event on 19 March. Read more on Berita Harian.

KOMENTAR: #BreakTheBias hakis stereotaip wanita setakat ‘orang rumah’ atau ‘orang dapur’

PPIS CEO Mdm Tuminah Sapawi was invited to provide a commentary for BERITAmediacorp, where she shared her own #BreakTheBias perspective as she rallied community efforts to understand and uproot female stereotypes and discrimination.
“It is time for each and every one of us – regardless of men or women – to rewrite the narrative about equal rights in our homes, at work and in public spaces. We need to practice social responsibility to ensure inclusivity and diversity.”. Read more here.

Dukung wanita capai aspirasi, jadikan kejayaan satu kebiasaan

President Hazlina Abdul Halim was invited to be a guest writer on Berita Harian, where she spoke of the findings of the Aspirations of Muslim Women Research launched recently. She shared the top three challenges women face in the workplace in order to achieve their aspirations: family responsibilities, job-seeking challenges and the inability to attain work-life balance. Read more on Berita Harian.

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