PPIS Newsletter December ’19

A message from the President & CEO of PPIS

2019 was a year full of change and growth. This year, PPIS saw the launch of various new ventures and projects in our efforts to serve the wider community. I’m deeply honoured to share that, with the dedication of our staff, we attained the Singapore Quality Class People Niche. This is indeed a show of PPIS’ commitment to connect communities to serve not only Muslim women and families, but the public at large.


As a testament to our mission of Inspiring Women, Strengthening Families, we launched our fostering agency, PPIS Oasis, and the saw the re-location of our Family Service Centre (East). In doing so, we hope to further enhance our services and outreach to the community.


This year is also the first year that we hosted the prestigious Asian Academy of Family Therapy (AAFT) Conference. On top of that, we were also able to continue organising signature events, such as the Symposium Wanita, Project Ihsan Ramadan and Conversation with Mufti. Come 2020, we pledge to work even harder to be OnePPIS moving forward, together with the community.


Moving forward, we invite you to join us in building an inclusive community that supports the aspirations of Muslim women, while developing resilient families that extend grace and compassion to self and also to the people around. With that, I would like to wish everyone good health and much happiness in the New Year.


– Mdm Rahayu Mohamad, PPIS President

As 2019 draws to a close, I look back with fond memories to the day I stepped foot into PPIS as the new CEO. Six months have passed and I feel privileged to be helming this progressive Muslim women’s association.


Every day brings new opportunities to uplift the women of today so that they can influence and ignite change for the generation of women to follow. It has been said that women hold up half the sky, signalling the profound impact that they have on society. In our journey towards building an inclusive community, we strive to ensure that no one gets left behind. With that, I believe that we must always seek to empower women as well as amplify their voices. It is for this reason that I am proud to be a part of PPIS, an organisation that stays true to its Mission of Inspiring Women and Strengthening Families.


PPIS is fortunate to have committed staff ever ready to go beyond what is expected of them. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all PPIS staff for their commitment and determination in going the extra mile to serve the community.


We are also fortunate to have funders and partners who believe in our work and are willing to support our goal. As we enter 2020, I look forward to taking this journey with you, hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart in serving the community. I wish you a very Happy New Year.


– Mdm Tuminah Sapawi, PPIS CEO



In spite of her failed previous marriage, Mdm S did not completely give up hope on finding love again and had met her then future husband. Despite all odds including the unique challenges of having a young child in between her and her new partner, she saw that he had qualities of a good husband and even better father to her daughter, and decided to give marriage a second chance.


Mdm S knew it was crucial for them were to create a strong foundation for their new family, and for her partner to understand his roles and responsibilities as a stepfather. That was when they went through the doors of PPIS Vista Sakinah as part of their preparation for the next phase of their lives.


PPIS Vista Sakinah works with couples and families to develop resilience and establish stable stepfamilies. The centre’s services include guidance on remarriages, and workshops that equip children with skills to help them adjust and adapt to stepfamily life.


During their time at PPIS Vista Sakinah, Mdm S and her future husband learnt that communication is key to a healthy relationship. The couple spent time listening to each other’s aspirations, hopes, and concerns. Having a qualified professional present provided a safe space for them to share and discuss their thoughts on building a new family together.


Through PPIS Vista Sakinah’s flagship workshop, Program Memupuk Kasih, the couple gained a better understanding of the basic concepts of marriage like nafkah and the rights and responsibilities of husbands and wives, and insights into establishing a new family.  The workshop was also where her partner first learned the rights and obligations of a stepparent and how to be a good stepfather. Mdm S will always keep to heart an important takeaway from the workshop – to understand each other’s differences while managing disagreements.


PPIS is happy to report that Mdm S and her husband now have a 3 year old son together, and continue to live happily as a married couple.


Come join us at PPIS Vista Sakinah for our Remarriage Preparation Course, Program Memupuk Kasih (PMK), which comprises:

  • A personalised orientation session where a facilitator will walk couples through their individual marriage needs and goals. It is usually conducted on weekdays, Tuesday to Thursday by appointment basis. The session will last approximately 2 hours. Discussion will include preparation for your children too.
  • A 1-day workshop that delves into the dynamics of remarriage and stepfamilies. The workshop is normally conducted once a month on Saturdays, 9:00am to 6:30pm. It is conducted in Malay or English, depending on the dates provided.


For more enquiries, please call us at PPIS Vista Sakinah at 6891 3090 or visit www.ppis.sg.


Be it a grand bash or an intimate occasion, a common thread runs through all weddings: the commitment between two loving individuals through thick and thin. So, when a couple requested for their solemnisation to be held at PPIS Family Service Centre (East) (FSCE), we said, “Yes!”


Mr K and Ms S were receiving casework and counselling assistance at PPIS FSCE, when a series of unfortunate (or rather fortunate) events led the couple to each other. Since then, they have given each other the love, support, and companionship that they had both needed while working towards the road of self-resilience.


The solemnisation ceremony was held on 18 October 2019 at PPIS FSCE’s premises at Wisma Geylang Serai. The co-ordination and collaboration from various agencies like the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) and Muslim Converts’ Association Singapore (MCAS) helped make the event a success.


PPIS FSCE is delighted to have been a part of this joyous and memorable occasion. Moving forward, we strive to go the extra mile in ensuring that our clients get the care and support they deserve, and perhaps to even help them find love…..


In the News


Did you know that Singaporeans have the world’s longest life expectancy at 84.8 years? Participants at R.E.D’s Symposium Wanita 2019 learnt how to better equip themselves for their silver years! Read more here!


This year’s Conversation with Mufti event for men organised by PPIS Training & Consultancy saw its biggest turnout with more than 350 participants! Read about the pearls of wisdom offered by Mufti on Berita Harian and BERITA MediaCorp.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Students from PPIS Child Development Centre (Bukit Batok) and SPS Mr Amrin Amin learnt how to create tasty but healthy meals together! Read more on The Straits Times and BERITA MediaCorp!


You’re never too young or too old to get fit! A buzz of excitement filled the air as children from our Student Care Centres and their grandparents got on their feet for some fun activities! Read more on BERITA MediaCorp!


Food is the ingredient that binds us together. To spread the joy of giving, PPIS collaborated with Encik Tan to host our beneficiaries to the sumptuous spread at the new flagship store at Marina Square! Read more on BERITA MediaCorp!


Family isn’t always defined by our genes. It can also be built through love. PPIS celebrated the beauty of stepfamilies with a fun-filled two-day retreat! Read more about it on BERITA MediaCorp!

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