Family Therapy



Sym, which means ‘together’ in Greek, is a dynamic merger of expertise between the former PPIS Family Therapy Institute and PPIS Training & Consultancy, constantly seeking innovation and connection to reconnect relationships.


Sym Academy is a practice academy specialising in individual, family and relationship therapy. We believe that family is an integral aspect of human society, and we offer trainings, education as well as family therapy to spread awareness and educate the public in building a deeper connection with the self and significant others in the family. Therapy is aimed towards improving relationships among family members and resolve family conflicts amicably.


Family therapy is the centre of our family-related programmes here at PPIS. We believe that through informed and emphatic intervention, relationship issues and conflicts will be resolved and reduced for the sake of the children in the household. Thus, Sym Academy is established to make accessible the benefits of individual, family and relationship therapy to families and societies alike.

Programmes & Services

With our extensive ground experience in working with families, Sym is also able to offer consultation, family therapy and a difference in managing change and mindset shifts to organisations through various customised models.

  • Family Therapy for Individuals, Couples and Families
  • Relationship and Family Development Programmes

  • Employee Assistance Programme (WorkSpace HR+)

Expertise & Practice

For families and individuals seeking connection, connectedness and a harmonious relationship, Sym offers a holding space to journey with their thoughts, emotions and interactions through individual/couple and family therapy, conversations, workshops, retreats and relationship learning circles.

As families and employment are interdependent, we also offer a workplace programme, the WorkSpace HR+, alongside family therapy, to complement and support both employers and employees to find common ground and care for each other.

Sym Academy is open to clients of all ages, race, or religion going through intra, interpersonal, and familial struggles. In the event that a minor is seeking for therapy he/she will need to get consent from his/her parents and/or legal guardian. Sym Academy does not have a specific geographical boundary for clients.

Finding the right therapist is an essential step in the therapeutic journey. Our fees are based on the total nett household income as follows:

  • $1500 or less: $24 (incl. GST)
  • Between $1501 – $3000: $58 (incl. GST)
  • Between $3001 – $5000: $94 (incl. GST)
  • $5001 and above: $140 (incl. GST)


*Please note that there will be a one-time $24 administration fee for the first session.

Sym Academy Interest Form

Our Clients

Agency for Integrated Care

Darul Arqam, Muslim Convert’s Association

Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS)

Yayasan Mendaki


Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth

National Council of Social Service (NCSS)

National Trade Union Congress

National University of Singapore

Public Service Division

Senoko Power

Syariah Court

Contact us

Sym Academy

Blk 322, Ubi Avenue 1, #01-591
Singapore 400322
Tel: 6745 0613

Operating Hours

Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday: By appointment only

(Not applicable for Marriage Counselling Programme)

Sunday: Closed

Individual, Family & Relationship Therapy


For families and individuals seeking connection, connectedness and a harmonious relationship, Sym offers a holding space to journey with their thoughts, emotions and interactions through individual/couple therapy, conversations, workshops, retreats and relationship learning circles.

Professional Development & Training


As a practice academy, Sym offers practitioners room to broaden the context of working with families by emphasizing on noticing the learning, application theories, and calibration of the practice through individual coaching, clinical supervision, group facilitation, and systemic approach training programmes. At SYM, we collaborate with international institutions and experts to sharpen observation and deepen individual practice.

WorkSpace HR+ Employee Care Programme


As families and employment are interdependent, we also offer WorkSpace HR+ a workplace programme to compliment and support both employers and employees to find common ground and care for each other.

  • Agency for Integrated Care
  • Bureau Narkotik Indonesia
  • Darul Arqam, Muslim Convert’s Association
  • Dover Community Centre
  • Education Services Union (NTUC Union)
  • Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS)
  • GRAB
  • Junyuan Primary School
  • Maritime Port of Authority

  • Masjid Darul Makmur
  • Madrasah Al Arabiah Al Islamiah
  • MediaCorp
  • Mendaki SENSE
  • MUIS Academy
  • Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Ministry of Social and Family Development (Probation) (Child Protection) (Family Education)
  • National Council of Social Service (NCSS)
  • National Silver’s Academy

  • National Trade Union Congress
  • National University of Singapore
  • Nanyang Polytechnic
  • Ogachaga
  • Public Service Division
  • Salvation Army
  • SEED Institute
  • Senoko Power
  • Singapore Prison Services
  • Social Service Institute (SSI)
  • Syariah Court
  • Yayasan Mendaki